[sane-devel] Backend for plustek Opticbook 3600
stef.dev at free.fr
Sat Jan 30 13:40:42 UTC 2010
Le jeudi 28 janvier 2010 11:26:56 Chris Berry, vous avez écrit :
> No stef im almost certain this isnt a Wolfson, from an old project page
> I think it is an Analog Digital 9826
> Link:
> http://www.analog.com/en/audiovideo-products/cameracamcorder-analog-front-e
> nds/ad9826/products/product.html
> I too am puzzled why there are so many writes to the frontend, the XP200
> in the gl686 I think uses an AD frontend and even that only has a few fe
> writes, although the XP200 has separate functions for AD coarse grain
> calibration and AD offset calibration so im not sure if these extra
> writes are done then? Any advice?
> Chris
I had a quick look at the data-sheet. It is coherent with the writes you see.
One thing that I find strange is that bit 7 of register 0 is set to 1, while
it is recommended no to do so. Maybe it is a bug, or maybe your scanner hasn't
the same exact component.
During calibration there maybe a lots of writes to frontends. To go further,
I think it could be a good idea to have a test program to does a simple color
scan with a fixed area. You could code directly in it various write to AFE
until you get sensible data. I have appended the main C file and the build
file as a possible example.
I build like this make -DUNIT_TESTING && make -f mk .
The wm.c is how I experimented with HP3470's AFE.
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all: hp
gcc -DUNIT_TESTING -DBACKEND_NAME=unit_testing -ggdb -I../include -c $<
hp: hp3670.o .libs/libgenesys.a
gcc -ggdb -o hp hp3670.o .libs/libgenesys.a .libs/sane_strstatus.o -L.libs -L../sanei/.libs -L../lib/.libs -lgenesys -lsanei -llib -lusb -lm
gt: main.o .libs/libgenesys.a
gcc -ggdb -o gt main.o .libs/sane_strstatus.o -L.libs -L../sanei/.libs -L../lib/.libs -lgenesys -lsanei -llib -lusb -lm
fs: fs.o .libs/libgenesys.a
gcc -ggdb -o fs fs.o .libs/sane_strstatus.o -L.libs -L../sanei/.libs -L../lib/.libs -lgenesys -lsanei -llib -lusb -lm
prev: prev.o .libs/libgenesys.a
gcc -ggdb -o prev prev.o .libs/sane_strstatus.o -L.libs -L../sanei/.libs -L../lib/.libs -lgenesys -lsanei -llib -lusb -lm
bt.o: bt.c gt68xx.c gt68xx_devices.c gt68xx_generic.c gt68xx_high.c gt68xx_mid.c gt68xx_low.c gt68xx_gt6816.c
bt: bt.o .libs/libgt68xx.a
gcc -ggdb -o bt bt.o .libs/sane_strstatus.o -L.libs -L../sanei/.libs -L../lib/.libs -lgt68xx -lsanei -llib -lusb -lm
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