No subject
Fri Jan 15 15:06:42 UTC 2010
gured out the root of the problem you are having.<br>
At high resolutions the V500's supported resolution list for the TPU in=
the X and Y directions are completely different. The highest common resolu=
tion in both directions is 1600 dpi. iscan, in the interest of usability, h=
ides this complexity from you and attempts to compensate by doing some scal=
ing behind your back. However, due to a bug in its image processing library=
it refuses to process such large images. Hence the error you are getting w=
hich happens to be the same as before, but with a different root cause.<br>
You should be able to scan with scanimage or XSANE, but will have to keep i=
n mind that unlike iscan, these frontends do not hide the resolution mess f=
rom you, and you will have to specify a different X and Y resolution when s=
canning at higher resolutions. The end result is that your images will come=
out stretched in one direction or the other. You will have to rescale your=
images manually using the Gimp or another tool. I would personally recomme=
nd using the Image Magick command line tools in a script to automate the sc=
anning and scaling process, if that is possible with your workflow.<br>
If you can scan a colour image with a width greater than 11,000 pixels usin=
g scanimage, then you are definitely using the modified code. With iscan it=
is uncertain due to all the things it tries to do behind your back.<br>
Looking at the information I have, the maximum width you could possibly get=
out of the V500's TPU is 17,280 pixels @ 6400 dpi. This definitely req=
uires the code modification and editing of the fs-blacklist as I instructed=
you before.<br>
I hope all this made some sense.<br>
Let me know if you can get it to work.<div><div></div><div class=3D"h5"><br=
Happy scanning,<br>
-- <br>
Alesh Slovak =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0Linux Team -- AVASYS Co=
<a href=3D"mailto:alesh.slovak at" target=3D"_blank">alesh.slovak at av=</a> =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blan=
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