[sane-devel] R: Re: Re: Flat Scan USB vs. Lucid 10.04 LTS

walla at tiscali.it walla at tiscali.it
Wed Sep 1 20:44:48 UTC 2010


1) on Karmic Xsane recognize scanner as Artec 2000 (it works)

2) on Lucid Xsane recognize scanner as Bear Paw 1200 (it's default setting) (it doesn't work)

I have copied the gt68xx.conf of karmic into lucid but it always recognize as a Bear Paw.

In the previous mails I said that it seems a calibration problem, in my opinion it is wrong because the problem is that backend is not able to do override and so Xsane uses the default backends (BearPaw  1200) that has the same chipset of Artec 2000 (or Trust).

Is there some other place where is configured the scanner? I mean, why lucid continues to recognize Bear Paw if I applied the override of Artec 2000?

Here below my gt68xx.conf

# gt68xx.conf: Configuration file for GT68XX based scanners (1.0.20)
# Read man sane-gt68xx for documentation

# Put the firmware file into "/usr/share/sane/gt68xx/".

# Manual configuration is necessary for some scanners. Please uncomment the
# override line and optinally the vendor and product lines that apply to your
# scanner. For some scanners it's also necessary to change the name of the
# firmware file.

# For testing scanners that are not yet supported by this backend add the
# vendor and product ids in the usb line below. Also fill in the override
# and firmware lines. For more details, see:
# http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/gt68xx-backend/adding.html

# usb vendor product
# override "something"
# firmware "path"

# Autodetect Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU, 2400 CU, Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus,
# Artec Ultima 2000 (e+), and several other GT-6801-based scanners
usb 0x05d8 0x4002

# Artec Ultima 2000:
override "artec-ultima-2000"
firmware "PS1fw.usb"

# Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU doesn't need any manual override

# Mustek ScanExpress 1200 UB Plus:
#override "mustek-scanexpress-1200-ub-plus"

# Medion/Lifetec/Tevion LT 9452:
#override "mustek-scanexpress-1200-ub-plus"
#vendor "Lifetec"
#model "LT 9452"

# Trust Compact Scan USB 19200:
#override "mustek-scanexpress-1200-ub-plus"
#vendor "Trust"
#model "Compact Scan USB 19200"

# Mustek ScanExpress 2400 USB
#override "mustek-scanexpress-2400-usb"

# Artec Ultima 2000:
#override "artec-ultima-2000"
#firmware "ePlus2k.usb"

# Artec Ultima 2000e+:
#override "artec-ultima-2000"
#firmware "ePlus2k.usb"
#vendor "Artec"
#model "Ultima 2000e+"

# Boeder SmartScan Slim Edition:
#override "artec-ultima-2000"
#vendor "Boeder"
#model "SmartScan Slim Edition"

# Medion/Lifetec/Tevion/Cytron MD/LT 9385:
#override "artec-ultima-2000"
#vendor "Medion"
#model "MD/LT 9385"

# Medion/Lifetec/Tevion/Cytron MD 9458:
#override "artec-ultima-2000"
#vendor "Medion"
#model "MD 9458"

# Trust Flat Scan USB 19200:
#override "artec-ultima-2000"
#vendor "Trust"
#model "Flat Scan USB 19200"

# Mustek BearPaw 2400 CU:
#override "mustek-bearpaw-2400-cu"

# Fujitsu 1200CUS:
#override "mustek-bearpaw-2400-cu"
#vendor "Fujitsu"
#model "1200CUS"

# Autodetect Mustek BearPaw 1200 TA and Mustek BearPaw 1200 CS
usb 0x055f 0x021e

# Mustek BearPaw 1200 TA doesn't need any manual settings

# Mustek BearPaw 1200 CS:
#model "Bearpaw 1200 CS"

# Autodetect Mustek BearPaw 2400 TA and Mustek BearPaw 2400 CS
usb 0x055f 0x0218

# Mustek BearPaw 2400 TA doesn't need any manual settings

# Mustek BearPaw 2400 CS:
#model "Bearpaw 2400 CS"

# Autodetect Mustek BearPaw 2400 TA Plus, Packard Bell Diamond 2450, and
# Trust 240TH Easy Webscan Gold
usb 0x055f 0x0219

# Mustek BearPaw 2400 TA doesn't need any manual settings

# Trust 240TH Easy Webscan Gold:
#vendor "Trust"
#model "240TH Easy Webscan Gold"

# Packard Bell Diamond 2450:
#vendor "Packard Bell"
#model "Diamond 2450"

# Autodetect Mustek BearPaw 2448 TA Plus and Mustek BearPaw 2448 CS Plus
usb 0x055f 0x021a

# Mustek BearPaw 2448 CS Plus:
#model "Bearpaw 2448 CS Plus"

# Autodetect Mustek BearPaw 2400 CU Plus
usb 0x055f 0x021d

# Autodetect Mustek ScanExpress 1248 UB
usb 0x055f 0x021f

# Autodetect Mustek Bearpaw 1200 CU Plus and Packard Bell Diamond 1200
usb 0x055f 0x021c

# Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus doesn't need any manual settings

# Packard Bell Diamond 1200:
#vendor "Packard Bell"
#model "Diamond 1200"

# Another Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus version?
usb 0x055f 0x021b

# Autodetect Mustek ScanExpress A3 USB
usb 0x055f 0x0210

# Mustek ScanExpress A3 USB doesn't need any manual settings

# Autodetect Lexmark X70/X73
usb 0x043d 0x002d

# Autodetect Plustek OpticPro 1248U and Revscan 19200i
usb 0x07b3 0x0401
usb 0x07b3 0x0400

# Plustek OpticPro 1248U doesn't need any manual settings

# RevScan 19200i
#vendor "RevScan"
#model "19200i"

# Autodetect Plustek OpticPro U16B and UT16B
usb 0x07b3 0x0402
usb 0x07b3 0x0403

# Plustek OpticPro U16B doesn't need any manual settings

# Plustek OpticPro UT16B
#model "UT16B"

# Autodetect Plustek OpticPro S12 and Nortek MyScan1200
usb 0x07b3 0x040b
#vendor "Nortek"
#model "MyScan 1200"

# Autodetect Plustek OpticPro S24
usb 0x07b3 0x040e

# Autodetect Plustek OpticSlim M12 and NeatReceipts Scanalizer Professional 2.5
usb 0x07b3 0x0412
#vendor "NeatReceipts"
#model "Scanalizer Professional 2.5"

# Autodetect NeatReceipts Mobile Scanner
usb 0x07b3 0x0462

# Autodetect Plustek OpticSlim 1200
usb 0x07b3 0x0413

# Autodetect Plustek OpticSlim 2400
usb 0x07b3 0x0422

# Autodetect Plustek OpticSlim 2400 plus
usb 0x07b3 0x0454
model "OpticSlim 2400 Plus"
override "plustek-opticslim-2400"

# Autodetect Genius Colorpage SF600
usb 0x0458 0x2021

# Autodetect Genius Colorpage Vivid3x
usb 0x0458 0x2011

# Genius Colorpage Vivid3x doesn't need any manual settings

# Autodetect Genius Colorpage Vivid4x
usb 0x0458 0x201b

# Autodetect Genius Colorpage Vivid3xe
usb 0x0458 0x2017

# Autodetect Genius Colorpage Vivid4xe
usb 0x0458 0x201a

# Autodetect Genius Colorpage 1200 X
usb 0x0458 0x201d

# Autodetect Genius Colorpage 1200 XE
usb 0x0458 0x201f

# Autodetect Genius Colorpage Vivid 4
usb 0x0458 0x2014

# Autodetect Genius Color Slim 1200
usb 0x0458 0x201E

# Autodetect Visioneer OneTouch 7300
usb 0x04a7 0x0444



On 30/08/2010 17:05, walla at tiscali.it wrote:
> OS on my machine is lucid.
> On the same machine I have a Oracle VM so I
> have installed karmic as VM.
> In reality the mahcine is only one and
> scanner is plugged on the same USB (0x05d8 0x4002).
> ----Messaggio
> originale----
> Da: kitno455 at gmail.com
> Data: 30/08/2010 17.00
> A:
> "walla at tiscali.it"<walla at tiscali.it>
> Cc:<sane-devel at lists.alioth.
> debian.org>
> Ogg: Re: Re: [sane-devel] Flat Scan USB vs. Lucid 10.04 LTS
> sane 1.0.20 in both cases? I wonder what patches ubuntu applied? I
> also suspect usb problem in the machine- any chance of switching the
> OS
> versions between the two machines, perhaps by using a liveCD?
> allan
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:57 AM, walla at tiscali.it<walla at tiscali.it>
> wrote:
>> karmic 9.10 -->  libsane 10.0.20-4ubuntu3 -->  scanner works
> fine
>> lucid
>> 10.04 -->  libsane 10.0.20-13ubuntu2 -->  scanner doesn't
> work
>> Both
>> machines are 32 bit
>> Thank you!
>> ----Messaggio
> originale----
>> Da:
>> kitno455 at gmail.com
>> Data: 29/08/2010 18.08
>> A:
> "walla at tiscali.it"
>> <walla at tiscali.it>
>> Cc:<sane-devel at lists.alioth.
> debian.org>
>> Ogg: Re:
>> [sane-devel] Flat Scan USB vs. Lucid 10.04 LTS
>> More information
>> please- which version of sane-backends (aka
> libsane)
>> are you running on
>> these two machines? The version of
> ubuntu is
>> useless to us.
>> Also- is
>> one of the machines 64 bit
> and the other 32bit?
>> allan
>> On Sun, Aug 29,
>> 2010 at 11:44 AM,
> walla at tiscali.it<walla at tiscali.it>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>> I subscribe
> this mailing list because I'm not able to solve a problem
>> with
> sane vs. lucid (10.04LTS).
>>> I have a Flat scan usb 19200
>> (Trust)
> and it doesn't work under lucid, I
>>> followed the instructions,
>> copy
> its firmware in the right path and
>>> configured gt68xx.conf using
> Artec Ultima 2000 as shown in the instructions.
>>> usb 0x05d8 0x4002
>> # Artec Ultima 2000:
>>> override "artec-ultima-2000"
>>> firmware
> "PS1fw.
>> usb"
>>> When I try to launch Xsane from prompt line it
> seems there is
>> a
>>> calibration's problem of the scanner (I think!):
>>> [gt68xx]
>> gt68xx_afe_cis_auto: setting exposure reached limit
>>> The result of
>> the acquisition is a black screen!
>>> If I
> perform the same steps of
>> the instructions on Karmic 9.10 the scanner
>>> works fine!...so I
>> understood well the procedure to install
> scanner!
>>> A difference
>> between lucid and karmic when I start
> Xsane:
>>> 1) on Karmic Xsane
>> recognize scanner as Artec 2000
>>> 2)
> on Lucid Xsane recognize scanner
>> as Bear Paw 1200 (it's default
> setting
>>> if you don't use override but
>> I perform override in gt68xx.
> conf as shown
>>> before)
>>> Other settings
>> of Xsane:
>>> backend
> 1.0.20
>>> deep 8 bit
>>> Thank you very much in
>> advance for your
> support!
>>> Walla
>>> --
>>> sane-devel mailing list:
>> sane-
> devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
>>> http://lists.alioth.debian.
> org/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel
>>> Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject
>> "unsubscribe your_password"
>>>              to sane-devel-
> request at lists.
>> alioth.debian.org
>> --
>> "The truth is an
> offense, but not a sin"
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