[sane-devel] xsane - DOES NOT save file preference on exit

Joseph syscon780 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 04:30:32 UTC 2011

I'm running: xsane-0.998.
And yes, I deleted the file:  FUJITSU:ScanSnapS1500.drc
I even change the setting manually to:

but as soon as I started the scanner it reverted back to:

And another strange thing is that on my other scanner Epson Perfection I can change the resolution and it get saved to:  Epson:GT-9300.drc
so why Fujitsu is reverting setting to other values, where is it taking it from?


On 12/07/11 22:33, m. allan noah wrote:
>Since I am the author of the sane-fujitsu backend, I feel compelled to
>respond. Unfortunately, I don't have a solution :( Make sure you are
>running the latest version of XSANE. Try erasing the preferences file
>On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Joseph <syscon780 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have two scanners:
>> - Epson Perfection
>> - Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500
>> In both scanners there is box checked in preference: "Save device
>> preferences at exit"
>> This works on Epson scanner, for example if I change the resolution it saves
>> the setting to my home directory .sane/xsane/file_name.drc
>> But it does not work on Fujitsu ScanSnap, it reverses the scan resolution to
>> "50" instead of my setting "150dpi"
>> Why such a strange behavior? What is controlling it?
>> File in directory ~/.sane/xsane have correct permission:
>> -rw-rw---- 1 joseph joseph 1837 Dec 7 13:00 Epson:GT-9300.drc
>> -rw-rw---- 1 joseph joseph 1877 Dec 7 13:27 FUJITSU:ScanSnapS1500.drc
>> I've tried to change setting in the text file: FUJITSU:ScanSnapS1500.drc
>> "resolution"
>> 150
>> "y-resolution"
>> 150
>> but the changes reverse back to :
>> "resolution"
>> 50
>> "y-resolution"
>> 50
>> --
>> #Joseph

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