[sane-devel] Scanner Button Daemon [scanbd]: update

Wilhelm wilhelm.meier at fh-kl.de
Tue Oct 11 18:47:10 UTC 2011

Hi all,

just made some modifications to scanbd:

- use libudev by default to trigger device add/remove actions
- made hal optional

The code is as usual at:

svn co https://scanbd.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scanbd scanbd

scanbd is a scanner button daemon. It polls the scanner buttons looking
for buttons pressed or function knob changes and at the same time allows
also scan-applications to access the scanners. If buttons are pressed,
etc., various actions can be submitted (scan, copy, email). The function
knob values are passed to the action-scripts as well. Scan actions are 
signaled via dbus. scanbd can use sane-backends or some special backends 
from the scanbuttond project.


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