[sane-devel] brigthness with Canon iDE110
m. allan noah
kitno455 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 18:16:52 UTC 2012
What is the output of:
scanimage --help
On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Felipe de Jesus Garcia Martinez
<felipe.garcia at microformas.com.mx> wrote:
> Thanks Allan but:
> command line:
> scanimage --device-name=genesys --brightness=10 --format=tiff >otra.tiff
> result:
> scanimage: unrecognized option '--brightness=10'
> Felipe García Martínez
> Gerente de Sistemas Internos
> Microformas, S.A. de C.V.
> Tel. 11675219
> Cel. 5510496939
> El presente mensaje de datos, contiene información confidencial que
> también puede constituir un secreto industrial propiedad de
> MICROFORMAS, S.A. DE C.V. y va dirigido al destinatario. Si usted no
> es el destinatario del presente mensaje de datos, por este conducto,
> se le informa, para todos los efectos a que haya lugar, que no cuenta
> con la autorización para divulgar, usar, apoderarse, copiar,
> distribuir, reproducir y/o tomar cualquier acción en relación al
> contenido de este mensaje de datos, por lo cual, lo anterior queda
> expresamente prohibido. Se le solicita que notifique inmediatamente
> por correo electrónico al remitente si usted recibió este correo por
> error y, además, deberá de borrar este mensaje de datos de su sistema
> o computadora o dispositivo.
> La transmisión por medios electrónicos no puede garantizar que sea
> segura o libre de errores, toda vez que la información puede ser
> interceptada, corrompida, alterada, destruida, llegar demorada o
> incompleta o contener virus. Por tal motivo, el remitente no asume
> responsabilidad alguna por lo anterior y si se requiere verificación,
> hacerlo por teléfono, a través de otro correo electrónico, o bien,
> solicitar una versión escrita de manera física, a manera de
> confrmación.
> MICROFORMAS, S.A. DE C.V., Luz Saviñon 1558 Col. Narvarte, Del. Benito
> Juárez C.P. 03020, México D.F., www.microformas.com.mx
> 2012/12/6 m. allan noah <kitno455 at gmail.com>:
>> You have misspelled brightness.
>> allan
>> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Felipe de Jesus Garcia Martinez
>> <felipe.garcia at microformas.com.mx> wrote:
>>> I try to use my Canon iDE110 with brigthness parameter but scanimage:
>>> unrecognized option '--brigthness=10' some one know if that is
>>> possible?
>>> root at GSI-000434:/home/val# scanimage --device-name=genesys
>>> --brigthness=10 --format=tiff >otra.tiff
>>> [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of dll to 255.
>>> [dll] sane_init: SANE dll backend version 1.0.13 from sane-backends 1.0.22
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: attempting to open directory `./dll.d'
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: attempting to open directory `/etc/sane.d/dll.d'
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: using config directory `/etc/sane.d/dll.d'
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: considering /etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.d/hplip
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpaio'
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: done.
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.conf
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `net'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `abaton'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `agfafocus'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `apple'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `avision'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `artec'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `artec_eplus48u'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `as6e'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `bh'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon630u'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon_dr'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `cardscan'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `coolscan'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `coolscan3'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `dell1600n_net'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `dmc'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `epjitsu'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `epson2'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `fujitsu'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `genesys'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `gt68xx'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp3900'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpsj5s'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp3500'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp4200'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp5400'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp5590'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpljm1005'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hs2p'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `ibm'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `kodak'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `kvs1025'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `kvs20xx'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `leo'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `lexmark'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `ma1509'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `magicolor'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `matsushita'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `microtek'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `microtek2'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek_usb'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek_usb2'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `nec'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `niash'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `pie'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `pixma'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `plustek'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `qcam'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `ricoh'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `rts8891'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `s9036'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sceptre'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sharp'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sm3600'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sm3840'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `snapscan'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sp15c'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `tamarack'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco1'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco2'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco3'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `u12'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `umax'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `umax1220u'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `v4l'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `xerox_mfp'
>>> [dll] sane_open: trying to open `genesys'
>>> [dll] load: searching backend `genesys' in
>>> `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/sane:/usr/lib/sane'
>>> [dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-genesys.so.1'
>>> [dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-genesys.so.1'
>>> [dll] init: initializing backend `genesys'
>>> [dll] init: backend `genesys' is version 1.0.63
>>> scanimage: open of device genesys failed: Invalid argument
>>> [dll] sane_exit: exiting
>>> [dll] sane_exit: calling backend `genesys's exit function
>>> [dll] sane_exit: finished
>>> root at GSI-000434:/home/val# scanimage --device-name=genesys
>>> --brigthness=10 --format=tiff >otra.tiff
>>> [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of dll to 255.
>>> [dll] sane_init: SANE dll backend version 1.0.13 from sane-backends 1.0.22
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: attempting to open directory `./dll.d'
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: attempting to open directory `/etc/sane.d/dll.d'
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: using config directory `/etc/sane.d/dll.d'
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: considering /etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.d/hplip
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpaio'
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_dlld: done.
>>> [dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.conf
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `net'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `abaton'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `agfafocus'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `apple'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `avision'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `artec'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `artec_eplus48u'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `as6e'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `bh'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon630u'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `canon_dr'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `cardscan'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `coolscan'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `coolscan3'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `dell1600n_net'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `dmc'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `epjitsu'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `epson2'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `fujitsu'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `genesys'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `gt68xx'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp3900'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpsj5s'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp3500'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp4200'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp5400'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hp5590'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpljm1005'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `hs2p'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `ibm'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `kodak'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `kvs1025'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `kvs20xx'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `leo'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `lexmark'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `ma1509'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `magicolor'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `matsushita'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `microtek'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `microtek2'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek_usb'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `mustek_usb2'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `nec'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `niash'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `pie'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `pixma'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `plustek'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `qcam'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `ricoh'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `rts8891'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `s9036'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sceptre'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sharp'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sm3600'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sm3840'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `snapscan'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `sp15c'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `tamarack'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco1'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco2'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `teco3'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `u12'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `umax'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `umax1220u'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `v4l'
>>> [dll] add_backend: adding backend `xerox_mfp'
>>> [dll] sane_open: trying to open `genesys'
>>> [dll] load: searching backend `genesys' in
>>> `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/sane:/usr/lib/sane'
>>> [dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-genesys.so.1'
>>> [dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-genesys.so.1'
>>> [dll] init: initializing backend `genesys'
>>> [dll] init: backend `genesys' is version 1.0.63
>>> [dll] sane_open: open successful
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=0)
>>> [dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x898f1b0,option=0,action=0,value=0xbf895628,info=(nil))
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=0)
>>> [dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x898f1b0,option=0,action=0,value=0xbf895558,info=(nil))
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=1)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=2)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=3)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=4)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=5)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=6)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=7)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=8)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=9)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=10)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=11)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=12)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=13)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=14)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=15)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=16)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=17)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=18)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=19)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=20)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=21)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=22)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=23)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=24)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=25)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=26)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=27)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=28)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=29)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=30)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=31)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=32)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=33)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=34)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=35)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=36)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=37)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=38)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=39)
>>> [dll] sane_get_option_descriptor(handle=0x898f1b0,option=40)
>>> [dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x898f1b0,option=10,action=0,value=0x80533f0,info=(nil))
>>> [dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x898f1b0,option=8,action=0,value=0xbf89555c,info=(nil))
>>> [dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x898f1b0,option=11,action=0,value=0x80533f4,info=(nil))
>>> [dll] sane_control_option(handle=0x898f1b0,option=9,action=0,value=0xbf89555c,info=(nil))
>>> scanimage: unrecognized option '--brigthness=10'
>>> [dll] sane_close(handle=0x898f1b0)
>>> [dll] sane_exit: exiting
>>> [dll] sane_exit: calling backend `genesys's exit function
>>> [dll] sane_exit: finished
>>> Felipe García Martínez
>>> --
>>> sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
>>> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel
>>> Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject "unsubscribe your_password"
>>> to sane-devel-request at lists.alioth.debian.org
>> --
>> "The truth is an offense, but not a sin"
"The truth is an offense, but not a sin"
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