[sane-devel] New backend kodakaio for kodak AiO devices - adding to sane-backends

Paul Newall p.newalls at ntlworld.com
Sat Jun 16 23:10:36 UTC 2012

I have this backend (kodakaio) working.
And tested by a few users, using a cut down version of sane-backends.
Now I have made a patch for the git version cloned today from 
The patch is attached
Does anyone with write access to git want to add this backend?

Summary of the changes I made:
Added the backend: kodakaio.c  .h  .conf  .man .desc
Modified: configure.in (added detection of a cups installation since this is 
used for autodetection on the network)
Modified: makefile.am in backends and in docs. Modified: authors, dll.conf

I think that's all the changes.

Paul Newall

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