[sane-devel] Pulstek OpticBook 3800

Nikolay Shaplov dhyan at nataraj.su
Thu Apr 18 18:39:17 UTC 2013


I've recently bought Pulstek OpticBook 3800, hoping that it is almost the same 
thing as 3600, and I wont need much configuring with it. 

This hopes died when I did sane-find-scanner, it said

found USB scanner (vendor=0x07b3 [PLUSTEK INC], product=0x1300 [USB2.0 
SCANNER], chip=GL847) at libusb:001:020

and 3600 is GL841 :-(

What did I do:

I've cloned Genesys_Model plustek_3600_model in backend/genesys_devices.c
replaced GENESYS_GL841 with GENESYS_GL847, added correct vendor and product id 
for this clone in device list there, built and installed it, and also added 
vendor and product id into /etc/sane.d/genesys.conf 

Result was the following

scanimage makes the scanner move it's head (not always sane, sometimes it 
tries to move out of device physical limits) and turn the lamp on and off.

Scanning goes with turned off lamp, and the result file if always filled with 
0x00, even if i put external light source over the scanner.

This is my limits of what I can do myself without your help.

I did not found any info about how to turn some debugging output (-v -v -v -v 
-v does not give much information about what sane is trying to do with the 
I did not found any guides about how to debug devices in such cases.

If you can help me with these question, or even can guide me through the 
debugging process, this would be great.

As I can understand GL847 chip is supported by SANE and we should do 
calibration and other staff like these...

What I should do first?

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