[sane-devel] Epson V600 Photo

George Clark geosane at fenachrone.com
Tue Dec 17 02:50:26 UTC 2013


Success!   Thanks for the help ... More comments below as I had to
revise your instructions a bit, probably due to gentoo. 

On 12/16/2013 02:35 AM, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> Yes, my bad, I ment "2> scan.log" and did not expect a very different
> log if the interpreter didn't load.  The help.log indicates that the
> interpreter doesn't load, as I expected.  You have a
>   usb 0x04b8 0x013a
> in your /etc/sane.d/epkowa.conf that should *not* be there.  I have no
> idea how it got in there, unless you did so manually.  Take it out and
> check whether that makes things work.  If not, read on.

I had added it,  following the example comments in the file when it
wasn't working without it.  I removed, it and at that point it finds
nothing at all,  so on to the next step...,
> The post installation scripts that come with the iscan related packages
> normally set things up to work out of the box.  Seeing that you are on
> Gentoo, that may not have worked for you.  You can fix that up with
>   sudo iscan-registry --add interpreter usb 0x04b8 0x013a \
>     /usr/lib/iscan/libesintA1 /usr/share/iscan/esfwA1.bin
> assuming everything is in the normal locations.  This should modify
> /var/lib/iscan/interpreter which is parsed by the epkowa backend.

The "normal locations" assumption is the key.  After locating the files,
I had to use:

sudo iscan-registry --add interpreter usb 0x04b8 0x013a 
/opt/iscan/lib/libesintA1 /usr/share/iscan/esfwA1.bin

On gentoo, the firmware is in /usr/share,  but the .so files are in /opt

> Hmm, I now see from your log that the epkowa backend is looking in
> /var/lib/lib/iscan for that file.  That's may be due to a slightly
> different ./configure time variable.  See if you have something in
> /var/lib/iscan and move it to /var/lib/lib/iscan (or make the latter
> a symlink to the former).  That might also fix things.
The files are indeed installed in /var/lib/lib/iscan for whatever
reason.   Probably an error in the gentoo ebuild,   But it's consistent,
so iscan is looking in the correct place.  I didn't have to move anything.

> Hope this helps,
Yes indeed.  With the registry correct,  it's loading now without any
significant delay.    Thanks again for the help

By the way, I just checked the Gentoo ebuild for the gt-x820 plugin.  It
*does* correctly register the interpreter at the required locations.   I
have no idea now why my system was broken,  but to be certain, I just
uninstalled and then re-installed iscan-plugin-gt-x820,   and the
firmware was correctly removed, and then added to the registry.   And
everything is still working.

George Clark

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