[sane-devel] Scanner Button Daemon [scanbd]: release 1.3

Louis Lagendijk louis at fazant.net
Thu Jan 10 21:53:37 UTC 2013

On Sun, 2013-01-06 at 15:25 -0500, Michael Watson wrote:
> Thank you.
> I have 1.3 working on archlinuxarm (systemd).  Please find below
> "integration" tweaks:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> /usr/lib/systemd/system/scanbd.service
> #Type=simple
> # dbus
> Type=dbus

I would recommend against changing the Type to dbus. That will 
result in scanbm triggering starting of scanbd. It is not required
for scanbm that scanb is running. In my own copy I have removed the 
BusName line from scanbd.service instead. It is superfluous.

> ------------------------------------------------------
> /usr/lib/systemd/system/scanbm at .service
> # required for systemctl enable scanbm@
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
No this is wrong! scanbm.socket should be enabled and started and 
that triggers scanbm at .service when you use the scanner using the 
net backend from the client application. 
Scanbm.service should NOT have an install section.
> #/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/scanbm at .service ->
> /usr/lib/systemd/system/scanbm at .service
> ------------------------------------------------------
> /etc/xinetd.d/sane
> service sane-port
> {
>         port        = 6566
>         socket_type = stream
>         wait        = no
>         user        = saned
>         group       = scanner
>         server      = /usr/local/sbin/scanbm
> 	  #not sure if this is required
>         server_args = scanbm
>         # disabled by default!
>         disable     = no
> }
Using systemd with scanbm.socket should take care of handling the socket
port 6566. I don't even have (x)inetd installed. scanbm.socket does the
for you and tells systemd to start scanbm.service when you scan using
net backend from your application.

The above of course assumes a complete systemd that does replace
Does systemd on ArchLinux support socket activation?
Kind regards, Louis

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