[sane-devel] Canon MF8200C Series

Troels Thomsen troels.pil.thomsen at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 13:47:41 UTC 2014


I'm trying to figure out if I can get Canon iSENSYS MF8230c to work with
sane-pixma back-end.
I've been reading a bit and experimenting a bit.

On the positive side, there is already support for "i-SENSYS MF3010,
MF4320d, MF4330d, MF4550d".
What worries me is that I saw that there was committed new .c files only 3
days ago, to support a few new canon models, so I suspect I need to work a
bit for it ;-)

Can I convince the driver to treat my usb vid/pid as eg the iSENSYS
mf4330d, and then see where that leaves me? (ohh ... nasty thought: is
there a vid/pid cheat option in linux usb driver stack, so I could do it
that way around?)
Or do I need to take a copy of the .c file, change the VID/PID, and then
see where that leaves me?

IN GENERAL, a few pointers to where I should go next would be greatly

misc traces below

$ sudo lsusb
Bus 002 Device 009: ID 04a9:2779 Canon, Inc.

$ sudo scanimage -L
No scanners were identified.

sudo sane-find-scanner -v -v -v
<device descriptor of 0x04a9/0x2779 at 002:009 (Canon,Inc. MF8200C Series)>
bLength               18
bDescriptorType       1
bcdUSB                2.00
bDeviceClass          0
bDeviceSubClass       0
bDeviceProtocol       0
bMaxPacketSize0       64
idVendor              0x04A9
idProduct             0x2779
bcdDevice             0.00
iManufacturer         1 (Canon,Inc.)
iProduct              2 (MF8200C Series)
iSerialNumber         3 (2c9efc4f5de2)
bNumConfigurations    1
 <configuration 0>
 bLength              9
 bDescriptorType      2
 wTotalLength         62
 bNumInterfaces       2
 bConfigurationValue  1
 iConfiguration       0 ()
 bmAttributes         192 (Self-powered)
 MaxPower             2 mA
  <interface 0>
   <altsetting 0>
   bLength            9
   bDescriptorType    4
   bInterfaceNumber   0
   bAlternateSetting  0
   bNumEndpoints      3
   bInterfaceClass    255
   bInterfaceSubClass 0
   bInterfaceProtocol 255
   iInterface         0 ()
    <endpoint 0>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x03 (out 0x03)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    512
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
    <endpoint 1>
 bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x84 (in 0x04)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    512
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
    <endpoint 2>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x85 (in 0x05)
    bmAttributes      3 (interrupt)
    wMaxPacketSize    64
    bInterval         11 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
  <interface 1>
   <altsetting 0>
   bLength            9
   bDescriptorType    4
   bInterfaceNumber   1
   bAlternateSetting  0
   bNumEndpoints      2
   bInterfaceClass    7
   bInterfaceSubClass 1
   bInterfaceProtocol 2
   iInterface         0 ()
    <endpoint 0>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x01 (out 0x01)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    512
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
    <endpoint 1>
    bLength           7
    bDescriptorType   5
    bEndpointAddress  0x82 (in 0x02)
    bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
    wMaxPacketSize    512
    bInterval         0 ms
    bRefresh          0
    bSynchAddress     0
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