[sane-devel] Canon MG7150

Rolf Bensch rolf at bensch-online.de
Wed May 14 17:17:18 UTC 2014

Hi Gert,

Am 14.05.2014 11:15, schrieb Gert Cauwenberg:
> Hello,
> Since yesterday I'm the owner of a Canon MG7150 all-in-one, and of
> course I wanted to get it working under linux.
> I'm running Ubuntu 14.04, which comes with sane backends 1.0.23. With
> that version the scanner doesn't get detected - quite understandably
> after looking at the source. I then installed sane backends 1.0.24,
> with the scanner connected via wifi.
> And ... good news!
> scanimage -L detects the scanner, and using the 'simple scan'
> application I was able to scan an image.

Many thanks for your report.

You can install xsane. It's an easy to use gui.

> If there is anything more that I should test, let me know.

Please check and report all scan resolutions up to 2400 dpi.

And please check and report button support.

How to check button support:
(1) Press any button.
(2) Check output from 'scanimage -A'.
(3) Repeat (1) and (2) with all other buttons.

The response from scanimage should contain useful data like this:

        Update button state
    --button-1 <int> [1] [read-only]
        Button 1
    --button-2 <int> [0] [read-only]
        Button 2
    --original <int> [0] [read-only]
        Type of original to scan
    --target <int> [2] [read-only]
        Target operation type
    --scan-resolution <int> [0] [read-only]
        Scan resolution

If you don't get any data here, enable debug output with 'export
SANE_DEBUG_PIXMA=11'. Then the response should look like this:

        Update button state
[pixma] INTR T=1.654 len=32
[pixma]  00000000:00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[pixma]  00000010:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    --button-1 <int> [1] [read-only]
        Button 1
    --button-2 <int> [0] [read-only]
        Button 2
    --original <int> [0] [read-only]
        Type of original to scan
    --target <int> [2] [read-only]
        Target operation type
    --scan-resolution <int> [0] [read-only]
        Scan resolution

Please provide the lines starting with [pixma] with the pressed button.

Many thanks for your help.


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