[sane-devel] MX895 auf Ubuntu 'Precise'

Louis Lagendijk louis at fazant.net
Mon Apr 6 12:48:26 UTC 2015

On Mon, 2015-04-06 at 11:23 +0000, Balthasar Nebel wrote:
> Hi sane developers, my name is Balthasar and I need your help to get
> my Cannon Pixma MX895 WLAN access work via SANE in Ubuntu (Precise).
> I'm not able to scan any page with the 'scanimage' ultility via WLAN
> (see attached 'image.net.debug.txt'), while same works fine via USB
> (see attached 'image.debug.txt'). I've used sane build #1.0.25 from
> Rolf Bensch as described here:
> https://launchpad.net/~rolfbensch/+archive/ubuntu/sane-git. The
> scanner gets identified but then the connection seems to abort in
> pixma_connect(). You can also see the trace output of the failing
> scanimage, the library image details and Ubuntu version at the bottom
> of this mail.
> The scanner seems to be supported by sane, because it works as
> expected via USB. Is it fully supported or are there restrictions?
> Does somebody use the MX985 via WLAN? Did I miss any configuration or
> installation? I thank you in advance for any hint!

hi Balthasar
Another question: 
what does nslookup D8BE01000000.local return?
It could be that the printer address resolves to D8BE01000000.local but
that later lookups of that name fail. I thought I did check for that
case in the code, but I need to check to be sure.

Kind regards, Louis

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