[sane-devel] Scanner Button Daemon [scanbd]: release 1.4.2.

Wilhelm wilhelm.meier at fh-kl.de
Wed Feb 4 08:30:42 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I like to announce the new version 1.4.2 of scanbd, the scanner button

This release is mostly a maintenace release: support for c11 and minor
typo corrections.
Feel free to get it via



svn co https://scanbd.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scanbd/releases/1.4.2

scanbd is a scanner button daemon. It polls the scanner buttons looking
for buttons pressed or function knob changes or other scanner events  as
paper inserts / removals and at the same time (!) allows
also scan-applications to access the scanners, locally or remote via
network. If buttons are pressed or other scanner events take place,
various actions can be submitted (scan, copy, email, ...) via action
scripts. The function knob values are passed to the action-scripts as
well. Scan actions are also signaled via dbus. This can be useful for
foreign applications. Scans can also be triggered via dbus or signals
from foreign applications.
On platforms which support signaling of dynamic device insertion /
removal (using e.g. libudev, dbus, hal) scanbd supports this as well.
scanbd can use all sane-backends or some special backends from the (old)
scanbuttond project.
Supported platforms: Linux (x86/ARM), FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD

w.meier at unix.net

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