[sane-devel] No response to merge requests for the genesys backend

Povilas Kanapickas povilas at radix.lt
Sun Nov 11 18:20:31 GMT 2018

On 11/11/2018 16:58, Gerhard Jäger wrote:
> Hi Povilas,
> Am 09.11.18 um 23:20 schrieb Povilas Kanapickas:
> [...]
>> On 09/11/2018 13:40, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> [...]
>>> Oh, and for SANE Project members with merge permissions, also at
>>> https://gitlab.com/groups/sane-project/-/merge_requests of course.
>>>>> If you'd like to take over maintenance of a certain backend - no
>>>>> problem - I'd say.
>>> As long as you work things out with the current maintainer(s), if any.
>>> They're listed in the AUTHORS file with a (*) behind their name.  If
>>> there are none ..., no-one's gonna object much ;-)
>> Will talk to Gerhard.
> No need to ;)
> I have no objections if you would take over this backend. In fact most
> of the stuff was not done by me.

Thank you :-)


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