[sane-devel] Question about Distributing via Flatpak

Wismerhill philipp.plato at mailbox.org
Sun Dec 1 14:39:04 GMT 2019

Hi to all, 

I´m new to the list, my name ist Phil. I´m an Enduser of Sane via an
OpenSuse 15.1
I have Problems to Scan with my "Canon Scan Lide 210" the scanner
freezes when i want to Scan up 1200 DPI resolution.
After quite a while of research i found out that it is a Problem
related to the USB3 Port. 
In Forums some others told that they don´t have the Problem with a 
higher Version, so i tried to compile the latest Version myself, but i
failed (afterwards my scanner wasn´t recognized).
So I looked if a Flattpak is available to avoid to handle with the
compiling Stuff. 
I wan´t to ask you if it´s possible to provide Sane via Flatpak over
Flathub. It would be a great benefit also to the Distros as to the
The Users have the latest stable release, and the Distros less work
and Flatpak can proof its useness.

Philipp Plato

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