[sane-devel] Code freeze and release preparations for 1.0.28 (was Re: [ITR] Intent To Release: sane-backends-1.0.28)

Rolf Bensch rolf at bensch-online.de
Sat Jul 27 12:14:59 BST 2019

Hi all,

I'm just busy working on the German translations. Hope I'll be ready
until release date.

I just pushed a new branch with the 1st bunch of my work. Everybody is
invited for helping and reviewing.


Am 24.07.19 um 14:35 schrieb Olaf Meeuwissen:
> Hi again all,
> Still following the release schedule on our [1.0.28 milestone][1], our
> master branch is now (2019-07-24 12:00UTC) in code freeze.  Please do
> *not* push/merge to master unless it fixes
>  - hardware destroying bugs (no reports at present),
>  - compile failures (our CI is clean so we're looking good),
>  - completely unusable backends, or
>  - documentation
> In case of doubt, ping the list or [submit an issue][2].
>  [1]: https://gitlab.com/sane-project/backends/-/milestones/2
>  [2]: https://gitlab.com/sane-project/backends/issues
> @povilas> Thanks for fixing that genesys backend calibration file bug.
>           See https://gitlab.com/sane-project/backends/issues/97
> I've been tinkering with our project's [Releases page][3] on GitLab.com.
> When we moved, that page didn't exist yet and I put our "releases" so
> far on the repository's [Tags][4] page for lack of a better alternative.
> GitLab.com seeded the former from the latter but that created quite a
> mess in terms of version ordering for the Releases.  That has now been
> sorted out.  I still want to convert the notes to Markdown, though.
> When we release 1.0.28, the Releases page will be updated automatically,
> courtesy of our CI!
>  [3]: https://gitlab.com/sane-project/backends/-/releases
>  [4]: https://gitlab.com/sane-project/backends/-/tags
> We now have a week to update translations as well.  I just pushed a sync
> of all the po/*.po files against the latest source.  I thought of Cc:ing
> the Last-Translator entries in those files, but most of those addresses
> are so old I figured I'd better not.  For the recent ones, coverage is
> pretty good already.  Here are some stats, sorted by percentage of the
> strings that are translated.
>   Translated   Fuzzy  Untranslated
>   100.00%      0.00%      0.00%: uk.po
>    99.33%      0.42%      0.25%: he.po
>    99.33%      0.42%      0.25%: ca at valencia.po
>    99.33%      0.42%      0.25%: ca.po
>    98.24%      0.75%      1.00%: nl.po
>    84.95%      6.27%      8.78%: sv.po
>    75.33%      8.70%     15.97%: de.po
>    74.75%      8.86%     16.39%: fr.po
>    74.67%      8.95%     16.39%: pl.po
>    72.07%     10.12%     17.81%: gl.po
>    72.07%     10.12%     17.81%: es.po
>    68.65%     11.79%     19.57%: en_GB.po
>    66.47%     12.79%     20.74%: eo.po
>    65.55%     13.55%     20.90%: it.po
>    56.77%     16.64%     26.59%: da.po
>    56.35%      9.78%     33.86%: ja.po
>    52.34%     17.89%     29.77%: fi.po
>    52.17%     18.14%     29.68%: bg.po
>    49.41%     16.64%     33.95%: ru.po
>    49.25%     19.15%     31.61%: cs.po
>    21.82%     13.96%     64.21%: pt.po
>    16.89%     16.14%     66.97%: nb.po
>    15.64%     11.12%     73.24%: hu.po
> I will fix up nl.po myself but the rest is for interested parties (I may
> take a look at ja.po and en_GB.po, though).  If you intend to work on
> any of these files, please let the list know so we can coordinate
> things.
> Hope this helps,
> --
> Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
>  GnuPG key: F84A2DD9/B3C0 2F47 EA19 64F4 9F13  F43E B8A4 A88A F84A 2DD9
>  Support Free Software                        https://my.fsf.org/donate
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