[sane-devel] suggested tweaks to sane-backends-master-e13b80fa scanimage.c

r. a. schmied uwppp at flash.net
Tue Jun 4 20:39:03 BST 2019

sane gurus

the attached rcsdiff -ubitwB are my current tweaks to scanimage.c
based on the static tarball (not git clone) of git ref e13b80fa
downloaded on 13may19.

the -B <buffersize> versus -B<buffersize> has been an annoyance
that i may have solved, but i don't fully understand the details
of static struct option basic_options[] and the interaction with
#define BASE_OPTSTRING	"d:hi:Lf:o:B::nvVTAbp" both indicating
-B has an optional argument?

tweakage to accept tif and jpg extensions for --format file type
are now consistent with the new and very welcome -o <outfile>
option, and are at least my common extensions for tif and jpg files.

the addition of typsetting points for scan area dimensions
because i tend to think in terms of points when dealing with
document layout.

plus minor tweaking of the --help text to be consistent with
these changes and other details that i consider significant.

incorporate as you see fit.


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