[sane-devel] Canon on Raspberry Pi

Mac Goever macgoever at gmail.com
Fri May 15 19:08:40 BST 2020

Hi everyone,

as I read one can get support on this Mailinglist, I shall give it a
shot with my setup.
I have a running raspbian (Buster / 10 / PI 3B+) with all packets
upgraded every 24h.

Sane Version is:
scanimage -V
scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.27; backend version 1.0.27

When connecting a Canon LiDE 120, sane-find-scanner gives me:
found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x190e [CanoScan])
at libusb:001:008
which is stable over hours and days.

Problem occurs with scanimge -L. About 10 seconds after pugging in the
scanner, the device gets detected:
device `genesys:libusb:001:008' is a Canon LiDE 120 flatbed scanner
After these ~10 seconds it disappears and does not come back.
unplugging it and replugging gives another 10 seconds.

I suspected a power issue, because the LiDE 120 draws it's power via
USB. Unfortunately using a powered hub or a 10Amp power supply does
not change anything. The scanner works without a problem connected to
an Ubuntu notebook with the same sane Version. Tested with USB Hub and

I already addressed this problem in the IRC and a friendly idler
reproduced the issue.

Thanks for any efforts


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