[sane-devel] how to configure/scan with an Epson Xp-4100 printer/scanner

Alexander Pevzner pzz at apevzner.com
Thu Nov 5 09:47:38 GMT 2020

Hi Marco,

On 11/5/20 10:49 AM, Marco Fioretti wrote:
> but are these three or four alternatives mutually exclusive? Should I 
> uninstall one before installing another, if the first does not work? 
> That was the sense of my question (I assume that ippusbxd, sane-airscan 
> and sane-escl are included in the packages that Thierry said to install, 
> or not?)

Our suggestions actually doesn't controvert :-)

You may try sane-escl or sane-airscan, or even install and try both and 
choose whatever you better like. But please replace ippusbxd with 
ipp-usb in any case. ippusbxd is broken and cannot be fixed, it is 
officially deprecated and replaced with ipp-usb.

Regarding Epson's imagescan, it is very unlikely that its USB version 
will work together with the IPP over USB daemon running; they will not 
be able to share USB interface. Basically, for devices like yours, open 
source alternatives work more reliable, that proprietary drivers, but 
may expose less hardware features, so don't use imagescan unless you 
really need.


	Wishes, Alexander Pevzner (pzz at apevzner.com)

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