[sane-devel] Epson V550 Support

Yuri Chornoivan yurchor at ukr.net
Tue Jan 12 11:04:12 GMT 2021

12 січня 2021, 12:35:05, від "Nils Gumpfer" <info at nilsgumpfer.com>:

> Hey there,
> I would like to raise the question why the Epson V550 Photo and other 
> film negative scanners are not supported by SANE. Is there a technical 
> hurdle to do so? I would like to support in implementation.
> Best Regards,
> Nils


The firmware for Epson devices is proprietary. However, they work perfectly with SANE using their manufacturer driver (I'm an owner of V330).


Hope this helps.

Best regards,
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