[sane-devel] scanbd slower to start scanning

mick crane mick.crane at gmail.com
Fri Oct 15 11:11:03 BST 2021

please excuse lack of understanding.
Debian 11, fujitsu fi-5750c.
If using Xsane on desktop scanner is quick.
Scanbd works when press scan button but is slower to begin scanning.
I wonder if this is because I have not put all the options in the line.
"SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/scanbd scanimage --mode Color --resolution 600 -d 
"$SCANBD_DEVICE"  2>&1 > /home/mick/SCANS/scan-$ct.pnm"
Are there some defaults somewhere ?
Advice as to why slower appreciated.

Key ID    4BFEBB31

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