[sane-devel] mystery why sane-backend umax_pp always builds

r. a. schmied uwppp at flash.net
Thu Jul 21 20:19:18 BST 2022


the missing '/' on line ending umax
(see rcsdiff -uBitwb configure.ac below)
might be why the umax_pp always
builds even with an envvar like
export BACKENDS='genesys net test'
passed to configure.

yet to determine 1) why the backends
umax1220u v4l xerox_mfp p5
*do not get* built along with umax_pp and
2) if the added '/' will have any actual effect.

i doubt this will have desired effect, as the
Makefile(s) do have 'BACKENDS =  genesys net test'
and do not have umax_pp (or any other backend)
in any obviously related envvar/macro.

same missing '/' and build situation exists for


--- configure.ac	2022/07/21 17:45:34	1.1
+++ configure.ac	2022/07/21 17:45:51
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
          mustek_usb mustek_usb2 nec net niash pie pieusb pint \
          pixma plustek plustek_pp qcam ricoh ricoh2 rts8891 s9036 \
          sceptre sharp sm3600 sm3840 snapscan sp15c st400 \
-        stv680 tamarack teco1 teco2 teco3 test u12 umax
+        stv680 tamarack teco1 teco2 teco3 test u12 umax \
          umax_pp umax1220u v4l xerox_mfp p5"

  # If user specifies backends manually then cause configure

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