[sane-devel] How to Install and Customize SANE Ubuntu 18.04

Wes Rishel wrishel at gmail.com
Wed May 25 06:14:07 BST 2022

I have a new Ubuntu 18.04 system and I need to add a one-line patch to
fujitsu.h that Allan Noah has previously given us. And then I
presumably need to configure and make the package (?)

Ubuntu seems to have 1.0..31 installed but I am thinking it might be safer
to get a fresh copy particular since I have gotten part way through a
couple of procedures without luck.

There are instructions from several sources all of which sound
authoritative and give different sources, methods of downloading, etc. I
have tried following a couple of them and hit various issues which might be
obvious to a more experienced Linuxian.

I think these are the questions I need answered and my tentative answer.
(Please advise me if I'm asking the wrong questions.)

*Q1: What is the best way of downloading and building Sane 1.0.31 including
the source files?*
I want to be sure to get the stable version rather than a snapshot.
(Currently, I am thinking that cloning
https://gitlab.com/sane-project/backends would be the appropriate approach.)

*Q2: Do I need to remove the existing SANE that came with Ubuntu before i
start this process?*

*Q3: Where should I put it or where does the installer put it?*
Depending on the download source I either pick a destination or it
automatically just puts it somewhere. In the first case is there a
preferred directory in the Ubuntu file structure? If the recommended
approach turns out to be apt, apt-get, or some other package installer, how
can I find that? (I am assuming something like "sudo find /
-iname libsane-dll* will find all versions but how do I know I am looking
at the version I just installed rather than the preinstalled version?

*Q4: What is the procedure after downloading the system?*
I am assuming that
https://gitlab.com/sane-project/backends/-/blob/master/INSTALL.linux is tje
definitive source. Can it really be as easy as

$ ./autogen.sh          # only if you just cloned the git repository
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

Or as a practical matter, do I really need to follow one of the more
complex procedures in that document?

*Q5: Editing in my patch.*
I assume that I can do the build, see that it works okay, and then edit in
my patch and rebuild. I assume that I skip the autogen.sh when rebuilding?

*Q5: Do I need to do this as root?*

Thanks in advance for your attention and advice!

-- Wes
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