[sane-devel] Epson V600 Photo Scanner drivers

Geerd HF Diercksen ghd at MPA-Garching.MPG.DE
Wed Dec 4 14:21:54 GMT 2024

Epson V600 Photo Scanner drivers


I am using Kubuntu 24.04 and an Epson V600 Photo Scanner. All worked 
fine until I upgraded from Ubuntu release 22.04 to 24.04. Trying to 
install the drivers provided by Epson and downloaded yesterday from 
their official page gives the message 'libsane' not found. It would be 
very helpful and actually solve the problem if a metapackage would be 
provided for libsane? Your help in this matter and any suggestions to 
solve the problem would be highly appreciated.

Best regards
Geerd Diercksen (ghd at mpa-garching.mpg.de)

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Geerd HF Diercksen
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