[sane-devel] Proposed timeline for 1.3.0 release

Ralph Little skelband at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 19:33:51 GMT 2024

So it looks like we will do a 1.3.0 release.
I propose a fairly quick timeline since there isn't a lot of critical stuff
waiting to go in it. The only thing that I am aware of is the longstanding
problem for macOS USB support and I think we have a partial solution for
that which should push them on.

Allan did the release last time, and perhaps I can go through the process
this time so that I am familiar. Are you OK with that Allan?

1) Code freeze: 1 week from now (28th January), I will create a release
branch and MRs targeted for the release should target that branch. Anything
else not intended for the release can still target master. I will send out
an email asking for translations after regenerating po files. During this
time, we will not normally accept functional enhancements but exceptions
will be considered in an emergency or if it is very safe.

2) Release: 2 weeks later (11th February) we will cut the release. I will
also do a PPA release for our Ubuntu users.

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