[sane-devel] Epson DS-70 batch-problem

Ralph Little skelband at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 05:43:20 BST 2024

Probably the best bet would be to create an issue here so we can record
progress: https://gitlab.com/sane-project/backends/-/issues


On Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 7:08 AM M G Berberich <sane at oss.m-berberich.de>

> Hallo,
> the Epson DS-70 has a manual single sheet “ADF”. Trying to batch-scan
> with scanimage
>   scanimage -d epsonds --batch="/tmp/A%3d.png" --batch-prompt --format=png
> does not work, because on scanning the second page, scanimage fails
> with “Document feeder out of documents” even there is a page in the
> scanner.
> The ADF seems to be recognised correctly:
> ┌──────────
> │  [epsonds] eds_recv: size = 284, buf = 0x5578981c8700
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: sheet feed type
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: order is 1 to N
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: auto pre-feed
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: left aligned
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: auto scan
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: area 850x1400 @ 100dpi
> │  [epsonds] eds_set_adf_area: 0.000000,0.000000 215.899994,355.599991 100
> [mm]
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: min 200x200 @ 100dpi
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: max 850x7200 @ 100dpi
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: basic resolution is 600 dpi
> │  [epsonds]      ADF: auto recovery
> │  [epsonds]  version: ADF 1.20
> │  [epsonds]  product: DS-70
> │  [epsonds]   serial: X5WS030461
> └──────────
> But batch-scanning failes:
> ┌──────────
> │  Scanning infinity pages, incrementing by 1, numbering from 1
> │  Place document no. 1 on the scanner.
> │  Press <RETURN> to continue.
> │  Press Ctrl + D to terminate.
> │    → [pressed return]
> │  Scanning page 1
> │  […]
> │  Scanned page 1. (scanner status = 5)
> │  Place document no. 2 on the scanner.
> │  Press <RETURN> to continue.
> │  Press Ctrl + D to terminate.
> │    → [pressed return]
> │  Scanning page 2
> │  [epsonds] ** sane_epsonds_start, pages = 2, scanning = 1, backside = 0,
> front fill: 0, back fill: 0
> │  [epsonds]  scan in progress, returning early
> │  [epsonds] ** get_next_image:  get_next_image
> │  [epsonds] esci2_img start
> │  [epsonds] eds_send: size = 12
> │  [epsonds] request img OK
> │  [epsonds] eds_recv: size = 64, buf = 0x7f43a8c00010
> │  [epsonds] receive img OK
> │  [epsonds] img_cb: err / ADF PE   / 8
> │  [epsonds] img_cb: error on option ADF, cause PE
> │  [epsonds] acquire_jpeg_data read: 0, eof: 0, backside: 0, status: 7
> │  [epsonds] ** acquire_and_decode_jpeg_data:  sane finish status = 7
> │  [epsonds]  ringFront = 0 ringBack = 0
> │  scanimage: sane_start: Document feeder out of documents
> │  Batch terminated, 1 page scanned
> │  [epsonds] ** sane_epsonds_cancel
> │  [epsonds] ** sane_epsonds_close
> │  [epsonds] close_scanner: fd = 1
> │  [epsonds]  unlocking scanner
> │  [epsonds] esci2_fin
> │  [epsonds] esci2_cmd: FIN x0000000 len 12, payload len: 0
> │  [epsonds] eds_send: size = 12
> │  [epsonds] eds_recv: size = 64, buf = 0x7fffce855db0
> │  [epsonds] buf = #nrdNONE#---
> │  [epsonds] buf = NONE#---
> │  [epsonds] break
> │  [epsonds] close_scanner: ZZZ
> │  [epsonds] ** sane_epsonds_exit
> └──────────
>         MfG
>         bmg
> --
> „Des is völlig wurscht, was heut beschlos- | M G Berberich
>  sen wird: I bin sowieso dagegn!“          | mail at m-berberich.de
> (SPD-Stadtrat Kurt Schindler; Regensburg)  |
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