[DSE-Dev] How to package policy?

Manoj Srivastava manoj.srivastava at stdc.com
Sun Sep 17 15:19:48 UTC 2006

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 01:26:30 +0100, Erich Schubert <erich at debian.org> said: 

        I know this is ancient email I am replying to.
> Hi Thomas,
>> #1: Select policy modules with debconf.

> I fear we might be hitting debconf limitations quite early when
> trying to make a nice UI. 

        Also, I think I like the module detection approach far better
 than asking the user. We should be tailoring the policy to the
 machine, and improving our policy module to package name mappings. 

        We dio need to yank the detect and map out of thepostinst, and
 create a utility that can help with upgrades as well (or, really, any
 time someone loads a new set of packages, to ensure that the relevant
 policy for the new packages is also included).

>> #2: Change booleans via debconf.

> Sounds good to me.

        This still needs to be done. Unfortunately, the booleans are
 currently shipped as conffiles, so doing this right can be tricky. I
 am not one who thinks that making users edit config filesis a horror
 beyond words, so this is not high on the priority.

>> #3: Ship binary policy modules or only policy sources?

> Definitely ship precompiled modules, and policy source. 


Whatever occurs from love is always beyond good and evil. Friedrich
Manoj Srivastava   <manoj.srivastava at stdc.com>    <srivasta at acm.org> 
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