[DSE-Dev] Bug#727305: patch ok

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Tue Dec 3 08:10:05 UTC 2013

The statement the "restorecon man page says it doesn't operate on symlinks" is 
not correct.  In fact the man page says "restorecon does not follow symbolic 
links" which is quite different - and what we desire in regard to symlinks such 
as /etc/mtab.

I got different results from the restorecon tests, this is a bug in restorecon 
which we will fix (I'll file a bug report against policycoreutils in a minute), 
see below for an example.

But regardless of those issues I believe that the patch from Jan Medlock is 
good and should be included.

# /sbin/restorecon -R /dev ; echo $?
# /sbin/restorecon -R /dev /etc/mtab; echo $?
# /sbin/restorecon -R /etc/mtab; echo $?
/sbin/restorecon:  Warning no default label for /etc/mtab
# /sbin/restorecon -R /etc/mtab /dev; echo $?
/sbin/restorecon:  Warning no default label for /etc/mtab

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