[DSE-Dev] refpolicy REMOVED from testing

Mika Pflüger debian at mikapflueger.de
Thu Oct 31 15:51:30 UTC 2013


"Andreas Kuckartz" <a.kuckartz at ping.de> wrote:
> You already have a default policy installed.
> I am leaving it alone. Please check and update manually.

That is normal for debian selinux policy upgrades and has been for the
last years. You need to run selinux-policy-upgrade(8) to activate the
new policy. If this is good design can be discussed (and especially I
think the message could advertise selinux-policy-upgrade directly
instead of letting the user figure that bit out themselves).
> BTW: The last two weeks I have had problems sending mail to Debian
> addresses, especially this mailing list. Some of the mails resulted in
> failure mails after exactly one week. And I am not sure that these
> problems are gone...

From looking at the headers of your mail (which arrived at my inbox
only via your direct mail, not via the lists), I'd think that the
tor-relay might be what causes debian mailing list servers to reject
your mail. I've had problems sending mail to debian mailing list
servers in the past, because they implement very strict anti-spam
measures. I guess that is necessary, given the vast amounts of spam
trying to get onto debian mailing lists. I fear you can't send mail to
debian mailing lists without disclosing the IP of your mailserver.
However, you might want to contact the listmasters (e.g. via IRC) and
ask them if that is the problem, indeed.




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