[DSE-Dev] at: Needs SE Linux support

Laurent Bigonville bigon at debian.org
Sat Mar 15 17:00:41 UTC 2014


Please find attached here a patch that add SELinux support for at. This
is a slightly modified version of the fedora patch[0]. The only
modifications are to autofoo files to fix a FTBFS and to make it apply

I've tested it and now at reproduces the cron behavior:

- When cron_userdomain_transition is set to off, a process for an
  unconfined user will transition to unconfined_cronjob_t. For confined
  user, the job is run as cronjob_t.

- When cron_userdomain_transition is set to on, the processes are run
  under the user default context.

Please note that this patch is not setting the context before calling
sendmail as by default it will transition to system_mail_t anyway.


Laurent Bigonville

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