[DSE-Dev] Bug#781779: not grave

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Sun Sep 13 23:55:14 UTC 2015

severity 781779 normal

Firstly this is not a grave bug.  Most of the benefits of SE Linux are on 
servers so even if it didn't work for a graphical login that wouldn't be a 
grave bug.

allow kernel_t systemd_unit_file_t:service { status start };

The above line suggests that your init is running in the wrong domain.  Check 
your audit.log and see what was running as kernel_t, probably running 
restorecon on that will fix it.

#!!!! This avc can be allowed using one of the these booleans:
#     allow_execstack, allow_execmem
allow unconfined_t self:process execmem;

Some desktop environments (like KDE) require execmem.  Setting allow_execmem 
will fix that.  See setsebool(8).

Finally I can't do anything more about this without even knowing what desktop 
environment is having a problem.  I need to know what XDM program and what 
desktop environment are being used and if it works with a different XDM or 
different desktop environment (twm is good for testing).

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