[DSE-Dev] Selinux policy for debian sid

cgzones cgzones at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 4 15:40:08 UTC 2016

first I want to thank Laurent and Russell for their work on packaging
selinux related software and on porting the reference policy to

I noticed the recent upload of a new policy for debian sid.
Because of the prior lack of a proper policy, I tried to get one
working on my own: https://github.com/cgzones/debian-package-refpolicy
It works for me on a virtual machine with a minimal non-graphical
installation with booting in enforced mode and logging into confined
users. Maybe you can take a look, e.g. I got the 'systemd --user'
process confined with

Another point I'd like to suggest is basing the debian package on a
newer git version of the reference policy. The new upload is based on
the 20150812 release, which is already over half a year old, and I
would not consider the state of the reference policy ready-to-use. So
I threw a script together for using the latest git snapshot:

Next I'd like to request some patches regarding the debian packaging,
which are attached.

My last point is selinux module management: While having some spare
time I tried out a script for managing selinux modules based on
installed debian packages, so that not all 370+ available module are
automatically installed.
Is this even a sane idea, and are there any feature plans in this direction?

Kindly Regards

            Christian Göttsche

I took a quick look at the packaging repository today
https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/selinux/refpolicy.git/ and noticed
some missing changes from Laurent in the current debian branch, which
were present recently (e.g. the sign-tags option in debian/gbp.conf).
Also the systemd flag seems not to be enabled in the debian/build.conf.* files?
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