[DSE-Dev] Bug#1063329: libselinux1t64: breaks system in upgrade from unstable

Helmut Grohne helmut at subdivi.de
Wed Feb 7 15:26:36 GMT 2024

Hi Andreas,

On Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 03:47:37PM +0100, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Package: libselinux1t64
> Replaces: libselinux1
> Provides: libselinux1 (= 3.5-2.1~exp1)
> Breaks: libselinux1 (<< 3.5-2.1~exp1)
> Afaiui libselinux1t64 must not fullfill dpkg 1.22.4's dependency on
> "libselinux1 (>= 3.1~)". dpkg needs to be rebuilt and the rebuilt
> version gets a dep on "libselinux1t64 (>= 3.5)".

The *t64 libraries only break ABI on some architectures. Notably, on all
64bit architectures, i386 and x32, the ABI will not change. On the next
upload after the transition, library dependencies will move to the t64
variants, yes.

> Will ${t64:Provides} stop expanding to "libselinux1 = ${binary:Version
> for real t64-builds? (The ones in experimental are not.) If that is case
> this bug and this way of testing does not make sense.

No, the t64:Provides will remain that way for all architectures that do
not break ABI. In theory, we could have skipped the rename on those
architectures, but having architecture-dependent package names is
annoyingly hard. Hence, we rename them on e.g. amd64 as well even though
nothing changes there.

Hope this explains


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