[DSE-Dev] Autopkgtest support for libsepol source package

Adithya.Balakumar at toshiba-tsip.com Adithya.Balakumar at toshiba-tsip.com
Wed Oct 9 14:16:37 BST 2024


I work for CIP (Civil Infrastructure Platform) project which is one of the Debian based distributions. We are working for IEC-62443-4-2 assessment. The IEC standard has requirement that all packages included in the image should have some tests.

This page lists your name as maintainers of libsepol package Debian -- Details of libsepol<https://packages.debian.org/source/bookworm/libsepol> package in bookworm

I noticed that there are some tests defined for the package in the debian salsa repository (https://salsa.debian.org/selinux-team/libsepol/-/tree/debian/tests?ref_type=heads).

However, I see that they are not running as part of autopkgtest (https://salsa.debian.org/selinux-team/libsepol/-/jobs/4960932)

Would like to understand if there are any plans to run the tests as part of autopkgtest in the CI.

Thanks and Regards,
Adithya Balakumar
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