[Showme-devel] Bootstrapping ShowMeBox

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Tue Nov 3 09:32:54 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Testers needed!

Boxing routines - i.e. routines to get from official Debian packages and 
installer to a MicroSD card perfectly booting ShowMeBox on a LIME2¹ box 
- have vastly improved in the past days.

We now need poeple to test that: Please, those of you with a LIME2 box, 
follow https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/showme/box.git/tree/README from 
top down, and report how far your get and how it then fails.

Topmost 3 install methods should work: Manual, Automated and 
Non-interactive¹ - using Debian testing (stretch) without need for 
serial cable³.

Missing is preinstalled image.  That's the most difficult to tackle, and 
we can get around that the same way I suspect all vendors do their 
unofficial "Debian" images: Make one install by a working method, dump 
that as an image, and manually hack it to not contain personalized stuff 
(e.g. ethernet MAC address or SSH private keys).

Also missing is eliminating need for serial cable for Jessie install.  
That I will try solve now.

Please test, and report back!

 - Jonas

¹ Should work for LIME box too - remember to adjust commands as needed. 
Tell me if you want to test other Allwinner boxes supported in Debian. 
Or other hardware than that...

² Should be enough to only test Non-interactive install - but if that 
fails please roll back and test from top, as the useful thing to report 
on is the _simplest_ (albeit most tedious) method that fails, not the 
easiest (and most complex).

³ Should work with Stable too, but requires serial cable during install.

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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