[Showme-devel] ShowMeBox poster at DebConf16

Bernelle Verster bernellev at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 19:35:34 UTC 2016

Hi Siri

I hope this email finds you well.

There is a poster exhibition at DebConf16 [1].

As Graham said, while all the info about the ShowMeBox is on the
Debian wiki, it's hard to see what it is exactly that we are doing,
and why. Would it be possible to design a poster, something simple
that can be used for multiple things in future, possibly, to display
at DebConf16?

I was thinking, during the Open Weekend it can be displayed at the
table where Graham (and myself, at times) will be hacking away at the
ShowMeBox and talking to people, and after that it can be on passive
display during the conference.

A0 size is the default, but I was thinking if it's really short and
sweet and can fit on an A3, it can be used in more places, but it's up
to you, or we can do both! I can sort out the printing this side.

If we can have it ready for printing around the 27th of June, that
would be great.

What do you think, shall we brainstorm a bit? You can nudge Jonas for
info and I can nudge Graham on this side :)

[1] - https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/DebianDay/Posters

best regards

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