[Showme-devel] ShowMeBox poster at DebConf16

Bernelle Verster bernellev at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 09:26:33 UTC 2016

Hi Siri

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Siri Reiter <siri at jones.dk> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 06/13/2016 09:35 PM, Bernelle Verster wrote:
>> As Graham said, while all the info about the ShowMeBox is on the
>> Debian wiki, it's hard to see what it is exactly that we are doing,
>> and why. Would it be possible to design a poster, something simple
>> that can be used for multiple things in future, possibly, to display
>> at DebConf16?
> I would like to do a poster with a "generic" illustration, then text can
> be changed for the occasion.
> I imagine a small box with a chaos of graphs floating, spewing or
> exploding out of it.
> I have no experience with graphs like I see here:
> https://pub.beakernotebook.com/publications/featured.
> I therefore have to use images from the online documentation for Beaker
> Notebook. Imagining the licensing will allow us to use them, they would
> still be the same graphs that have been circulating for a while, and
> anyone interested will find them first thing, when diving in. Thats' not
> cool.
> Any suggestions to how to get fresh examples?

My preference is from this site: https://d3js.org/
Or even the information is beautiful site:

The obvious challenge is that these were not explicitly made using the
ShowMeBox, I don't know how e.g. Jonas would feel about using them?
It should be fairly straightforward to get in touch with the website
people to ask for images and the appropriate licensing - I can help
with that.

Alternative, or in addition, there is an 'svg crowbar' that exports
the dynamic visualisations as svg files, see here:

I used this one, the version 2: http://nytimes.github.io/svg-crowbar/

> Since Showmebox is not tied to Beaker Notebook, there might be other
> examples accessible out there. Any pointers?
> The most convenient format to work with would be svg - vector graphics.

I have made Sankey diagrams like this one for my PhD:
https://bost.ocks.org/mike/sankey/ and I understand it well enough to
adapt it to size etc needs, so we can play with this type of graph to
get a perfect one for your poster, and the licence then won't be an
issue. I can *try* to do this on Graham's Julia, which should be easy
as it's a .json file, a .html file and I use python to run it on

I can send you my files if you want to play, but tutorials are also available:

Interactive Data Visualization for the Web
Scott Murray

D3 Tips and Tricks: Interactive Data Visualization in a Web Browser
Malcolm Maclean

> Meanwhile/ worst case I'll use what I can find online, and we'll live
> with the downsides. It's going to look great anyway.
> Thoughts and help appreciated.
> Love, Siri
> --
> Siri Reiter Grafisk Design
> Stauninggårdsvej 25
> DK-4300 Holbæk
> Tlf.: +45 27145428
> http://sirireiter.dk/
> --
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