[Soc-coordination] Some question from past GSoC 2006

Pavel Vinogradov Pavel.Vinogradov at nixdev.net
Tue Nov 13 08:38:19 UTC 2007

  Hello all.

  I'm now writing article for my russian blog about Debian participation in
GSoC 2007 (maybe some latter i can translate it to english). As introduction
to article i write small historic review about GSoC 2006.
  I'm combine information from
http://code.google.com/soc/2006/debian/about.html ,
http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2006 , this maillist and some preGSoC2007
talks in IRC. But i'm confused when compare information from Google and
Debian wiki. On Google page (
http://code.google.com/soc/2006/debian/about.html ) i see only six project
and two of them marked as failed (DWTT and debian-cd-ng), but Debian wiki
show ten projects four of which seems to be canceled.

  Can anybody make clear this issue for me? How many student slots Google
allocated for Debian in 2006 year and how much of this project was canceled.
And maybe anybody can share some information of current status of this
project, which of this student continue work on project direction?**

Pavel Vinogradov
NixDev.Net, Linux Developer
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