[Soc-coordination] Nearly at the end of student application time

Steve McIntyre steve at einval.com
Sun Apr 6 22:15:21 UTC 2008

[ Targeted at mentors here. Nothing particularly confidential, but not
  something the students can really help with... :-) ]

Hi mentors,

List subscriptions

If you couldn't clearly see that you were already subscribed to this
list before, I've now added you via your Debian-advertised address in
an attempt to make sure you see this message. Please stay subscribed,
even if you change the address used - we don't want to have to chase
you, and this list should be comparatively low-traffic. If I've added
you using the wrong email address then please accept my apologies.

Applications need comments and rankings

The deadline for student applications is fast approaching. We need to
make a final pass through the list of our applications and:

 * Ask any final questions (quickly!)

 * Then, start ranking the applications based on:

   + How interesting the project is for Debian (and how well it fits
     with us and our needs). We're far more interested in getting
     people working specifically on Debian's projects and tasks than
     producing yet another httpd, for example.

   + How good we reckon the student is: motivation, skills, enthusiasm,
     dedication. A good clue here is how long the applicant has spent
     making their application clear and how much they've worked on it
     with help from potential mentors.

   + Whether or not we have a suitable mentor. That shouldn't be a
     problem for almost *any* project, to be honest, but it's worth
     considering. If you could be a good mentor (due to skills,
     interest or both) for a particular project, please mail the list
     here and let us know.

 * Work out how many application slots we're going to ask Google for,
   then sort the apps so that the ones we want most are listed first.

We currently have 46 applications listed at [1], which is quite a lot
fewer than this time last year. It should not be too hard for mentors
to run through those and leave comments. Then we can work out
rankings. According to the timeline [2], we need to make up our minds
by the 18th of April. I'd like to be ready before then if at all
possible, to give us some time for the usual last-minute
bicker^H^H^H^H^H^Hdiscussions about exact rankings and allocation of
mentors to potential projects.

I hope that sounds OK to people? If you have any questions, please ask
away on the list here.

[1] http://code.google.com/soc/2008/debian/open.html?page=0
[2] http://code.google.com/opensource/gsoc/2008/faqs.html#0.1_timeline

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve at einval.com
"I suspect most samba developers are already technically insane... Of
 course, since many of them are Australians, you can't tell." -- Linus Torvalds
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