[Soc-coordination] GSOC: Student
mohit soni
mohitsoni1989 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 07:55:25 UTC 2009
I am Mohit Soni, I am a computer science engineering student from VIT
University, India, currently studying in IIIrd year.
I have a project proposal that fits under performance improvements.
My project name is *"Tux-In-Cache". *In a nutshell:
*Tux-In-Cache* is an intelligent application for GNU/Linux platform that
will enable swift launching of applications by *pre-caching* user's favorite
applications(determined by monitoring the application usage habits of user)
in a *RAM* based swap device during system boot and then manages the cache
intelligently during system uptime to meet user needs. It works on a
probability model, and predicts which application a user might use at a
particular time of day and modifies the RAM cache accordingly.
The following are my few recent achievements:
1. Got selected in the finals of Google Product Prodigy. My team name is
2 Smart 2 Curious and product name is Flare. I'm working in a team of three
to make an intitutive WebOS. You can check out following link for more
details http://www.google.co.in/intl/en/productprodigy/finalists.html
I'll be submitting my proposal under Debian today.
*Technical qualifications:* Proficient in C, C++, Java, Python. Knowledge of
Linux module programming and Linux kernel development. Familier with OpenMP
and Intel Threaded Building Block library.
I hope you'll find Tux-In-Cache as an prospective application that will be
definitely helpful for users, once implemented. Also, I hope I possess the
required skill to pursue Tux-In-Cache with Debian during Google Summer of
Looking forward for a positive reply.
Mohit Soni
*Email:* mohitsoni1989 at gmail.com
*Mobile:* +91 9994593264
*Blog:* http://codebasket.blogspot.com/
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