[Soc-coordination] Coding period start meeting

Obey Arthur Liu arthur at milliways.fr
Thu May 21 23:35:08 UTC 2009

Obey Arthur Liu a écrit :
> Hi students && mentors && admins,
> We'll organize a meeting to sort out time slots and organization of the
> progress report meetings during the summer, as well debconf and other stuff.
> If you have any question related to visas, google payment card, whatever
> that we can help us with, feel free to ask.
> I set up a Doodle here:
> <http://www.doodle.com/xnzyk74uky3zmfhi>
> I think the best time for all is 5pm UTC.
Hi all again,

The meeting time should be:
*Saturday 5pm UTC*
for the main meeting and a secondary session on Monday 9pm UTC for those
who can't attend the first.

I'll put up a more precise meeting plan tomorow morning that we'll be
able to edit live during the meeting.

Those who haven't filled the doodle yet (see above), please do it. At
least get one mentor or student for each project.

I heard that some of you (students) had some issues with getting
subscribed to the google-summer-of-code-students-list. If you aren't and
especially if you haven't heard about such threads as "Submitting Your
Tax Forms & Proof of Enrollment To Google" or "Payment Cards for 2009
Students", please mail Ellen Ko as soon as possible
(ospoellenko at gmail.com, and cc: me) stating that you are not subscribed.



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