[Soc-coordination] Coding period start meeting

Obey Arthur Liu arthur at milliways.fr
Sun May 24 12:21:19 UTC 2009

Obey Arthur Liu a écrit :
> Obey Arthur Liu a écrit :
>> Hi students && mentors && admins,
>> We'll organize a meeting to sort out time slots and organization of the
>> progress report meetings during the summer, as well debconf and other stuff.
>> If you have any question related to visas, google payment card, whatever
>> that we can help us with, feel free to ask.
>> I set up a Doodle here:
>> <http://www.doodle.com/xnzyk74uky3zmfhi>
>> I think the best time for all is 5pm UTC.
> Hi all again,
> The meeting time should be:
> *Saturday 5pm UTC*
> for the main meeting and a secondary session on Monday 9pm UTC for those
> who can't attend the first.

I looked at the Doodle again and the second session will be on Monday
11pm UTC. Those who weren't there last time, please try to be there.

I posted the log and summary for the first meeting here:



Obey Arthur Liu

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