[Soc-coordination] Status of the projects

David Kalnischkies kalnischkies+debian at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 13:24:03 UTC 2011

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 20:49, Ana Guerrero <ana at debian.org> wrote:
>  * [[SummerOfCode2011/AptDebdeltaIntegration]]: DebDelta integration
>  * [[SummerOfCode2011/AptOrderingCodeImprovements]]: Apt ordering code
>  improvements / download-install in parallel
> Both projects have 1 student proposal and 1 mentor. They are also mentioned
> as co-mentoring the "Apt team", it would good to know what people from this
> team is willing to help.

Proposed mentor is for both Michael Vogt.

If i should have the time, i will help him / the student(s) as much as i can.
I am not going for official co-mentor status as there will be weeks in which
my contribution to discussions will be just 'hi' and maybe 'bye' thanks to
time constrains and i am not considering this a proper behavior for an
official mentor (beside that the nobody suite suites me a lot better anyway).

I am sure Julian will help, too, especially if the topic is python-apt.

Hope that helps to understand the a bit cryptic "co-mentor: APT team".

> I think both project has been discussed internally in the apt team.

Yes, we discussed them with the students in various places including
#d-soc, #d-apt and deity at . The applications of these students are
(hopefully) written based on these discussions/hints.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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