[Soc-coordination] Debian Teams Activity Metrics - Report IV [Update]

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 06:55:12 UTC 2011


> I believe this is to try to discourage people from using this feature
> gratuitously.  Fetching the messages individually will probably use a
> fraction more bandwidth than the mbox version.  I'd expect the CPU would
> if be more for fetching individually too.

I didn't think of it like this. I thought that fetching mbox archives
would be _more_ resource intensive than NNTP because NNTP is to put
it, the 'normal' operation mode for Gmane. But I will take your word
because you know more!

> I would talk to Lars about this - he's a friendly guy, if sometimes
> rather busy.  He's the man who actually runs the show so will be able
> to give you the definitive word on what Gmane would prefer you to do.

That's a good idea and I will do that.

> However, he said a few months ago that "62K articles isn't a lot":

Well, it's just not 62K but I think it will touch 200K easily :)

> I do know that IP addresses and ranges sometimes get blocked for
> fetching excessive numbers of articles via NNTP, though I'm not sure how
> many counts as excessive.  But your current approach might be viewed as
> abusive.

Actually NNTP seems to work _very well_ for us and there have been no
disconnects or other problems.

I think the best way would be to get in touch with Lars and see what
he has to say about this.

Thanks for the pointers!


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