[Soc-coordination] Debian mailing lists archives as mbox (was: Re: Debian Teams Activity Metrics - Report IV) [Update]

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Thu Aug 4 09:21:25 UTC 2011

On Thu, Aug 04, 2011 at 11:02:20AM +0200, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> > > Just for the record. The mboxes are not for being published. We are currently
> > > working on getting more data privacy protection in the archive so just
> > > publishing the mboxes would just be counterproductive.
> > 
> > Thanks for clarifying this.  Is this "we" == listmaster and if yes was
> > this discussed somewhere?
> Yeah with the listmaster alias. So there is no public trace of the
> conversation.

Perhaps I'm the only one but changing the policy of the project lists
what information should be published and what not might deserve
discussion inside some larger audience - at least debian-private comes
to mind I would even think that debian-project is the right place to
> > Just quoting myself from the mail you responded to:
> >  
> >   I also regard the X-Spam fields  ...  usefull for other
> >   purposes like further SPAM removals.
> > 
> > I just know that Christian is behind better SPAM removal.
> Yeah, but as the mboxes are not for public distribution that isn't important.
> Christian itself has access on the mboxes via master.

As far as I know it is not only Christian and if we really want to get
more people involved into Debian (including non-technicans) tasks like
cleaning up the list archive from SPAM might be somehow interesting.

Kind regards



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