[Soc-coordination] Report 1 : improving the online package review interface for mentors.d.n
Baptiste Mouterde
baptiste.mouterde at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 18:10:31 UTC 2012
Dear Mailing list,
Here is the first report on improving the online package review
interface for mentors.debian.net (debexpo) [0]
If you are lazy to read the complete description here [1] I will sum up for you:
1. link debexpo to some mailing list
2. add some code review including comment engine
3. link discussion on mailing to package in a web interface on debexpo
4. add some metrics linking comments, activity on all packages,
activity on own package, on mailing list (kind of Karma engine)
5. smart list sorting using metrics, staff pick and user choice
6. Integrate Debian Team on each part of debexpo.
_So what's done yet?
If you didn't know that, Debexpo already exists, It's written in
python using pylons and sqlalchemy.
The first work was to try it, install it, and make some tests
with. This is a very easy to install and make your first step on it
but the first problem was to find some docs for advance feature of
this tool.
After setting up a testing environment on my server, I had to
commit works for uni.
The hard work can now begin, I try to Imagine what I will have to
write for mail,
It's an engine, that make query and sort the list.
the second part is the template for the mail : simple, clear as possible.
and the last part was to see what will change on the DB
A question was raised on this work : should I already prepare the
team integration or not.
The best solution that I could find is to make flexible function,
I mean functions that are able to work
with any email. I think that will help me a lot later
So Models is done, time for code.
This task will be a crontask and.. there is a doc for it.
the mail lib is really simple and easy to use this won't be a problem.
the algorithm that I will use is as simple. the main problem is
that this isn't my code.
And this is almost the first time that I work on the code from an other.
this is a really interesting experience that I will describe later
on my blog with issues and clue.
I think that beginning soc project with a simple crontask was a good Idea,
It use small function on other part of the project, small access on DB
and small knowledge on .mako and pylons file..
Code Is done yet for a first try on mail.
it can send report to an email define in the config file.
report are daily but they can be weekly or anything else excluding
more than year report (for strange reason..)
_what is missing?
check up for the size of the list in order to avoid giant mail
smart sort of the list
I would like to test it but unfortunately I spend too much time on
trying to send mail
some smtp server doesn't accept me, some other request weird things.
complete mail server on own server request at least 10 other apps.
Finally I use DMA (dragonfly Mail Agent), simple to config.
I got an aliases that screw up everything and as soon as I deleted it
everything went fine. mail are working now! that was the best part :-)
_what was main difficulties?
__work with code from other.
It's not a problem, more like a difficulty
You may spend time adapting your way of coding, people don't think
on the same way.
For example, if you got an Idea of implementing something useful,
You keep in mind how it will work and what it will require
and finally you saw that this thing already exist
but in an other way, maybe better (almost always... ) or maybe worst
and you have to deal with it. not that you can't change it, but more
that it's not your logic, we can't blame people for having a
different logic!
__discover where are function that I needed,
debexpo is not as small as I thought, it follows the classic
pylons structure, controllers, libs, model and It's quite easy
to find what you need
but at First sight you can feel lost
__manage exams, school commitment and Soc
I was at an exam about how to manage a project. the main point
is managing time and it's also the hardest point on it
You got so much awesome thing to do for a Soc
and you have some kind of weird exams
and also awesome stuff to do for school (like avalanche
detector for mobile device)
I think as soon as holiday will start, thing will be better!
__send mail...
As I said, I spend too much time on it, sadly.
Problem is now over damn aliases!
_What is next?
first of all testing code. I got a test DB and I will write test
for report. I'm trying to end it as soon as possible.
the Review engine / syntax coloration / smart comment
to sum up, I will add a system to show sources and add comment for lines
the stamina stuff is for a bit latter
solve blog issues and own website issue (optionnal but... done in
less than 1 hours)
Thanks for reading!
Feel free to query me on Irc for any question, idea, or information!
Good luck!
[0] mentors.debian.net
[1] http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2012/StudentApplications/BaptisteMouterde2
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