[Soc-coordination] GSoC 2013 - Debian Android App

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Sun Apr 28 16:55:03 UTC 2013

On 28/04/13 14:08, Catalin Usurelu wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Catalin Usurelu, I'm a second year CS student, and I am
> interested in the project entitled "Debian Android App". I tried
> contacting the mentor mentioned on the official ideas page, but I
> haven't received any reply. Is the project still available? With whom
> should I talk about it?

Hi Catalin,

All projects are potentially available unless the mentor removes it from
the wiki

Debian contributors are volunteers, some of us only respond
intermittently.  If you really feel strongly that this is the right
project for you, then I would encourage you to carefully look at the
GSoC student applications from 2012 to see an example of the type of
proposal you need to write - you need to have a complete proposal on the
wiki page before Friday (3 May).

You don't need the mentor to give you a specification, it is quite OK to
propose your own ideas or ideas that you develop from discussions with
the Debian community (e.g. through IRC, local group meetings, ...)

There are also some hints on my blog about what questions you should
answer in your project proposal

It is very beneficial for you to show the GSoC team an example of your
work in an open source project - as you are interested in Android, I
presume you are a Java programmer.  A good way to show your work would
be to pick some open source Android app (e.g. any app that is hosted by
f-droid.org) and add some new feature or fix some bug.  Even creating
some extra Junit tests is helpful.  Create a link to the patch from your
GSoC wiki application.  If you choose to contribute on the apps for
dynalogin or Lumicall, I will be happy to suggest some trivial
programming tasks you could complete to demonstrate your skills.



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