[Soc-coordination] Leiningen & Clojure packaging Week 7
Eugenio Cano-Manuel Mendoza
eugeniocanom at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 11:39:51 UTC 2013
As you all know this week was the mid-term evaluation period. My mentor and
I decided to give the code another review and start packaging dependencies.
>From now on I'll be focusing less on lein_makepkg and give more attention
to clojurehelper as a whole as well as package some libraries needed for
leiningen 2.
*Done this week:*
* Use attributes on test in order to classify them.
* Many minor changes on clojurehelper (please check[1] for details).
* Reorganized imports and renamed functions.
* Build lein xml plugin only when setup.py build is called.
* Handle more errors and added exit codes.
* Added a license for clojurehelper.
* Packaged clojurehelper (some changes pending)
* Packaged com.hyperion.io (waiting for review)
* Packaged net.cgrand.regex (waiting for review)
* Packaged clojure.tools.cli (waiting for review)
* Submitted ITP for the packages mentioned above (except for clojurehelper)
* Fix license issue with quoin, waiting for upstream to provide a license
*Next week:*
* Package parsley, sjacket, clojure-complete and clj-stacktrace.
* Finish packaging clojurehelper.
* Improve little helper scripts from clojurehelper.
* I'm having some issues when it comes to naming packages. Already
discussing this with the clojure packaging team.
* The libraries I packaged this week served for testing clojurehelper in
real scenarios. Thanks to clojurehelper most of the work was already done
but every package had little exceptions:
-com.hyperion.io is not written in clojure but java, used jh_build + some
-net.cgrand.regex provided html files and lein_clean would delete them
since it assumes html files were generated from markdown files during the
build (must fix this next week) idem for tools.cli.
-clojurehelper is written in python, had to look up on how to do this in
more detail, builds fine for now but must tune a little more.
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