[Soc-coordination] On writing a wanna-build alternative: [was: Status Report of MIPS N32/N64 Port, Week 11]

YunQiang Su wzssyqa at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 05:15:59 UTC 2013

Thanks for all of your suggestions.
Our plan is to have a python script to look in Souces.gz and
Packages.gz and find which package can be
build now. Also we will have to look find which packages is stop by
lack of other packages.

We will store the buildable package to a mysql databas. for the
unbuildable package we will still try to
build them by hand cross or with DEB_STAGE support.

On the builder nodes (2 loongson 3A laptop), We will add a shell
script to crontab to get buildable, build and dput
to reprepro.

On the reprepro side, we will try to sync all of arch-independ ("all")
packages from a debian mirror.
Also we will have to remove the old build result from reprepro when
new ones arrive (even they have the same version number)

All of them are not usual requirement, while can help us much for now.
I don't think this tool will be a generic wanna-build+buildd tool,
while will be a good to for this stage of bootstrap.

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 4:46 AM, Hector Oron <hector.oron at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>>> > Besides debile, there are other solutions like:
>>> > * http://julien.danjou.info/projects/rebuildd
>>> > * https://launchpad.net/launchpad
>> and https://github.com/nicholasdavidson/pybit
>> and my xbuilder:
>> https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/DevPlatform/CrossBuildd
>> (sbuild+rebuildd+perl-script-for-web-page)
>> And Colin Watson's cross-buildd scripts (wanna-build+sbuild+postgresql)
> And Open Build Service... which is kind of awesome.
>  < http://openbuildservice.org/ >
>>> > Anyway, please don't reinvent the wheel.
>> Quite - this wheel has already been invented more than enough.
>>> I'm not thinking to re-invent a wheel with all or most of the
>>> features, but wanted to have a really lightweight setup to track what
>>> to build in database and trigger the build when a build machine
>>> becomes spare. This will take up to the several things: a reprepro
>>> instance to hold the repository (already have), a table in a mysql DB
>>> to hold various state information, a script to determine which
>>> source's dependency is already satisfied (my mentor helped me on
>>> this), and a small shell script that queries database and trigger
>>> sbuild action whenever the build machine is spare.
>> Which is pretty much what several of the above tools do. I hesitate to
>> recommend any particular one, but I strongly recommend that you look
>> at using/modifying whichever of debile, pybit or xbuilder looks
>> easiest rather than creating yet another flavour.
>> Wookey
>> --
>> Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
>> http://wookware.org/
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> --
>  Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.
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YunQiang Su

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